

28th Nov (Fri) - In a blink, it is already 2 years since the first day I reported to this office (at Parcel B was then). With the mixture feeling of joyous and sorrow, today will be my last day in my recent agency. I still remember when I was coming here as Assistant Secretary in December 2006 from National Security Div, I met the earliest members of PERMATA - Datin Norasmah, Azmaini, Bro.Zahari, Mimah, Noni, Adi and Remy. We shared a small room together (it was ex-room of TKSUK) and I only have a bunch of floppy discs as my tools to start my work. Alhamdulillah, now we are operating in a veru condusive yet confortable premise in beautiful Cyberjaya. Thru these years there were peoples who came and went - Puan Rokiah, Remy and his brother Shidee, Mimah, Azma, Ita, Datin Norasmah, few staff which I forget their names (but I recognizes their faces - I'm sooooo sorry about that!) and now is my turn to leave the office.

(my lair in the office is going to be history.... isk...isk...isk...)

Lots of valueless experience I've gained throughout the period. As a beginner, I think it is not a bad achievement when I may now see 6 PERMATA centres, which I do actively involved in their making, are run smoothly. For me it is an undescribed satisfaction when I saw happy and cheerful faces of children play and learn in those premises.

@ FELDA Mempaga, Pahang

@ FELDA Chini, Pahang

@ Batu Pahat, Johor

@ Tuaran, Sabah

@ Kota Samarahan, Sarawak

@ Taman Chembong Jaya, Rembau N9

Effective 1st Dec 2008, I'll be a member of new agency and the new leaf of my career book will be opened. I would like to thanks all members of PERMATA Div. for their supports, comments, advises, etc. I like to wish all of you best of luck in whatever programmes shall progressed.


  1. Wish you luck fo your new appointment.
    We may separated by place, but the memories remain.
    We may separated by time, but the reminiscence remain afresh.

    Keep in touch and may Allah bless you together with your family.


  2. Thanks Tok for the wishes.... insya Allah byk ruang kita bisa ketemu Pak!....

  3. gudlak la lan....
    kalo ko konpem gi pahang bagitau la...

  4. Thanks Azrul, kalu dapat nanti aku compem kat ko gak. Setakat ni aku kena study kes kat HQ dalam sebulan.
