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6.4.2011 ~ If I May Propose...

source : google image

1. It is another hot story when a person was found dead after allegedly falling down from the MACC office (this time it is the Jalan Cocrane Office) today. The deceased was stated by the media as in the process of helping the MACC in sorting out corruption cases of some of Customs Dept. office.

2. Previously, the same incident of the late Teoh Beng Hock is shocking the entire nation and yet the matter is still under scrutiny of the Royal Commission established by the government. We hope that the matter may be dissolved as soon as possible in order to contain further speculation. I'm not going to elaborate nor touch the matter from the content of the case since we may call it subjudice (in legal term).

3. What is the lesson learnt we may derived from this incident (or accident)? Once may be a coincidence but how about twice? Thus, better we learn something from the past in order to prevent the matter to occur for the third times in the future.

4. In my humble point of view, there are few points which we may be thinking of. First, locationwise speaking, the MACC office which meant for investigating purpose may be reviewed to be placed on the ground floor at the most... or at least the investigation procedures must be held in a well secured room without any windows perhaps.

5. Two, the security of the person being interrogated must be well observed by MACC Officer and that person shall not be left alone or unattended until he/she is already outside the MACC's compound. If any person is within the area of our house, does his/her safety lies in the hand of the host?

6. Three, may be it is a high time for MACC to invest on CCTV in and surround the investigating room/area. And the connection of this CCTV shall not merely connected internally, but also to the Police control room for instance so that the safety of the procedure will not only being observed by MACC but also other credible agencies.This approach I think may create innovation and synergy between related government's agencies.

7. All of these efforts are proposed in order to help MACC to gain back its' credibility from the public point of view. MACC has done much enough to upbring its credibility and all these incidents may tarnish such goodwill and again it claims longer time to rebuild such image.