
Abah Omaq Accident

After attending Kak Baya's ceremony at Chini Timur 1 (previous posting), we left to Abah's house in Felda Chini. That evening my father-in-law said 'that he wanted to drive to Salong to look for a buffalo to be sold during Raya Puasa nanti. He left at 3 pm (just after so tired helping and attending kak Baya's ceremony) and came back at 6 pm. Calmly he said that he involved in and accident. He said he felt like losing his focus and accidently hit someone's car. Alhamdulillah nobody was hurt and we hope that he will not driving by himself after this... This was not the first time abah felt like loosing his focus while driving. He told us that he used to feel like that these few months...

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