
Islam Hadhari Terengganu Bistari...

Since the whole family was attending Elly's wedding (previous posting), we took every opportunity to explore Kuala Terengganu yesterday and today... so we might smell the aroma and feel the 'ikang' here. Some fascinating moments we managed to capture...

The best doa I think...

where to find a pakcik wears batik in public elsewhere in Kuantan

pronounce it correctly okay.... or it will become "something" else !

you'll find this once you arrived at Kuala Terengganu from Dungun

some pictures @ Pantai Batu Rakit

amongst loving couple i've met there... heheh! Jangan marah ye mak abah...

pembelajaran air dan pasir amat penting dalam perkembangan minda kanak-kanak

the collapse stadium

hope this one will remain intact

the cristal mosque... used to be a controversial issue once


gerbang ni membawa anda terus ke Jeti

beberapa lokasi menarik @ Taman Tamadun Islam

before we started the tram trip around the Taman Monumen
beberapa monumen masjid tersohor seluruh dunia
Kalau pakai jubah ke ihram ke mesti orang ingat kat Mekah betul ni

Afif dah tahan penat dah... tido dari Terengganu sampai kuantan

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