
PPSMI & BI as wajib lulus subject in SPM

I don't really get it actually. For both issues, the NGOs and few other so-called-edurelated-societies claimed that the implementation of either one program will be the disadvantages to the rural and remote area students. Is it really so? Do these students really become the victims if these approaches applied? Or whether these movements were also like to play more on politics so that some sort of "unknown' agenda may be fulfilled? Why don't the teachers and her's related communities take it as a positive challange (or benchmark instead) so they may draw necessary P.O.A and S.O.P. to help not only the rurals but the urbans as well. Do the urban students really strong and well equipped enough and they are guaranteed success if those approaches are applied... Please la... stop all the nonsence and start working for the sake of future leaders....

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