
What Will 'We' Do About It?

Just flipped through e-paper this morning and eventually found this article in The Sun in Opinion Column, with title "From hare speed to tortoise pace" by the Star's Deputy Executive Editor, Wong Sai Wan. The idea behind the article is pondering the way of how the Malaysian Government in bringing the future into the present life, which is no longer a future in other countries (most developed countries I guess)... Amongst interest part are....
" While Johann had arrived in the country less than a month ago, Pierre is a 10-year veteran who has seen Malaysia at its best and worst. The two noticed me typing away on my Blackberry phone and inquired if I found the device useful. Their question set me off on how my life has changed with the BB (Blackberry for the uninitiated). From there, our conversation turned to the Internet or more accurately, the lack of it. The two men spent about 30 minutes bemoaning the lack of speed, and how their lives had been badly affected by the slow speed of Internet services in Malaysia. “My kids made a video to wish their grandfather happy birthday. It was not a very big file – less than 120 megabytes,” said Pierre. “It took me more than two hours to upload the file and send it to my brother in France so he can show our father. “In France, my brother took just 10 minutes to download the same file.” Johann’s crestfallen face spoke volumes when it came to his turn to tell his sad tale of Malaysia’s Internet services. “I am so used to our Swiss speed. I only get 30 megabits per second when downloading. Malaysia’s Internet connection is just too slow,” he said. At this juncture, my patriotism kicked in and I tried to justify the situation to these two Europeans, but after a while I found myself agreeing with everything they said.

" When I got home, I tested my 1-megabit-per-second broadband speed. The result was depressing – the ownload speed was 406 kilobits per second and upload was 307 kilobits per second. Pierre was right – I could not even get 50% of the speed promised.
I remember a bed-time story which my mom used to tell to me when I was a kid - the hare and the tortoise - which will ends with the tortoise won the race due to the hare's arrogance and overconfident. But will the scenario in this article be the same of the story? I don't think so... Other countries which are now developed can be metaphored as the hare... and we Malaysian, I would like to say a new learner rather than 'tortoise'.... heheheh. All hares outside there are not the one in the story... they will keep running and left us behind. So, it is our choice whether still to take the spirit of the tortoise in the story (biar lambat asal selamat), or we take some risk to become the hare itself.

In due course, the Goverment servants must start today to get feedbacks from the public and use those input to muhasabah our works in order to make it better. It's true that we have done sooo much to serve the public (which the public not realized most of them), but do believe me, there are sooo many things we yet to do. Grant a complaint as a gift... appreciate it becoz in some way those complaints might be the reason why we are still in the service. Thus, to all my friends outside there, let us drumming the new way serving the people since the world has soooooo much changed!

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