
Afif is going to school!

Dunno what happen? My posting is missing in the cyber world... help... I really sure that I've send it before but where is it... huh, better jot it down again since this may be a useful historical document later...!

Afif in his school uniform with his ultraman bag of course!

I'm not sure whether time flies really fast or that's me who doesn't realize that I'm now getting much older than before... heheheh... too busy eh? Saying so, Afif is already 4 this year and we've sending him to tadika instead of taska. What the different? (somebody may ask this because most of us don't know about that... let me x'plain little bit. Taska is an early childhood daycare center, supervised under Akta TASKA under JKM and usually use learning thru play method. Tadika in another hand is a pre-school kinda thing supervised under Akta Pelajaran by Jabatan Pelajaran. They use special curriculum for that designed by JPN itself.... clear meh?)
At first, we think that we want to send him to tadika when he turns to 5. We later then have a afterthought when we think that we should send him to another lingua-kindergarten. So, we went to get info from this one chinese kindergarten and the teacher informed us that Afif should start at age of 4 if he wants to join mandarin class. So, we've decided to send him to this school start 1st April 2010. I hope Afif didn't think that his Baba n Mama was setting up an April fool prank for him... sorry eh Afif... So that is the background to this story ler...

Sport attire... ultraman still MUST be in!

It's already 2 weeks since the 1st day Afif went to this Tadika Smart Bistari. We still get feedback from his teachers in order to monitor wheather Afif able to cope with the system or not. So far as it concern, Afif is doing well and we hope he'll manage to adapt with the new environment. Sooner or later he has to go thru all this for sure... To Afif Badri, Baba n Mama wish you all the best and do remind that we love you soooooooo much! (Beso dah anak Baba nih...)

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