
TENSION NYER!!!!!!!!!!

Argh!!!!!!!!! Tension aku dibuatnyer. What do you think if somebody who is NOT within your organization so show off and acting like s/he is your boss? Futhermore, the way s/he talks or comments is very unmotivational and make your day condensedly black of colour.... no more lights nor colour in your life.
I really do not know what is her problem... Can't you just asked for something in an acceptable manner or at least with regard of the feeling of others????? I don't know what is the hukum of thinking s/he be struck by lightning or at least died in an accident, but that what I feel right now!
No doubt that some of her ideas are good but what I know is never look down at others and never hurt other's feeling no matter hard the way you feel. Sorry ler dude if my writing today is kinda wrath or not using a very nice flowery (pernah ker? heheheheh) words. I hope what I feel today will not affect my pahala puasa. I always heard that a victim's prayer will always be granted by Allah... and I think that I am psychologically and mentally victimised by her so I would like to utter my prayer....
"Ya Allah... strengthen my
heart and mind. Bestow your bless on us so we are more patience and able to face a wrath-wording person in our life. Soften Ya Allah her heart so s/he will realise what s/he had been doing all these wiles are inviting other's anger and wrath. And make her Ya Allah a more sensitive and subtle person towards others ...
p/s: sorry ler kalu byk salah... dah marah sangat dah nih....

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