
SIBUK AH!... part.3

Just after the PTK 3, there were so many works I've to attend to... At first, I'm going to take charge as Project Manager (PM) in organizing National Seminar on Setiap Anak PERMATA Negara (Every Child is Precious) from 12-14 November 2008. In my humble opinion, it was a successful event ~ all team members of the organizer were able to manage the programme well. Thank you and well done for all of us! (cam angkat bakul la plak kan...). However, the 1st day I was in the office after came back from PTK, i'd to attend a workshop on National Children Policy Drafting held by Ministry of Women (10-12 November 2008).

Then, after the ECEC Seminar, i'd to go to the Southeast Asia Sub-regional Dissemination Seminar on Early Childhood Policy Review organized by Ministry of Education in colloboration with UNICEF and UNESCO on the 20 & 21st November 2008. It was a very beneficial seminar where I can learn from other countries experience on how ECEC policy and progammes are implimented in their respective countries. In the end of the Seminar, all participants were introduced with ARNEC - the newest individual-based-registration body sponsored by UNICEF. The ARNEC's objective can be briefly said as a networking platform of ECEC community in the South East Asia and Mekong Sub-regional Area.

(picture of the delegates ... where am I?)

(during the group discussion... from right: ME!, MOE's Officer and Dr.Prudenciano Gorodncillo (Univ.Of Philippines))

(other members of the group - from right: DK Hjh Mastoli (Brunei's DG of Education), Khoo Kim Choo (Singapore) and Natalia (UNICEF PNP))

Ironically, i've been whispered by somebody (whom I'm regarding as a credible source to me) that my present in the Seminar as not satisfying one of my stakeholder's feeling. However, since I'm very clear of the hieracy of my office and the spirit given by Richard Templar (when I read his book "The Rules of Management"), I able to get rid of that and what is most important that I was able to disseminate some crucial info about PERMATA policy and established networking with other participants.

So, due to quite-a-pack-schedule of mine early this months, only now I'm able to update my blog. There are soooooo many things I'd like to share here but I just write what I still remember. However, though November is a busy month, I enjoy it very much....

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