

It has been a very long time since the last posting I made ealier this month. I still remember it was all begins before I took my PTK3 end of last month for 10 days up to 7th November 2008. There were approximately 80 candidates throughout several badges sat for this exam. For me the entire course was not very hard but very challenging and tricky. The first 3 days were meant for what the JPAians said as "TALIAN HAYAT" which more to refreshing memory sessions. It really needs for a well preparation months BEFORE the date of PTK and I personally felt that last minute preparation doesn't really work in this PTK 3. As what the organizer said this exam is not meant to evaluate you during these 10 days but what are and what do you have since the last PTK up to the date of exam. Pergh.... ngeri dengar tuh... So for all friends of mine who are going to sit for their PTK3 PLEASE BE PPREPARED as you are going to the battlefield (chewah!) ... but it's really damn sincere advise from me.

There were several parts of the exam which you'll be evaluated... and after the ~ were titles I used to do along the exam...

1. Pengucapan awam (public speaking in Malay) ~ alamak ! tak ingat ah...

2. Public speaking ~ i did speak on the Janusian Leadership

3. Individual Assignment Presentation ~ Challenges in nurturing ICT as a culture in your organization
4. Group assignment presentation ~ Health management
5. Essay examination ~ have to answer 5 questions (2 from general topic; 2 specialized topics and 1 from any topics)
Then you are given 2 weeks to submit an assignment pursuant to your individual assignment presentation. Alhamdulillah, I was managed to submit it on the 24.11.2008. So, it's time to me to redha and pray a lot hoping to gain success in the PTK... amin! And for those who're going to sit for their PTK3 in Disember.... wish you all the best and good luck!


  1. Pergh,boleh tahan gak kau punya exam. Lain mcm aku yang kena hadapi 4 subjek, 6 assignment, 4 presentation, 5 midterm-exam, final exam untuk 4 subjek, jawab 4 soalan dari 6 soalan dalam masa 3 jam 15 min, carry mark 60 kulmulatif dari awal sem. Persoalan... nak dpt 4 pointer terkangkang oooo ...

  2. Ala Tok... exam aku ni competency test jer... ko punya test plak lebih kepada knowledge management test... mana bleh sama. Tak leh le dikira "apple" to "apple". Pepun, pekena apple petang nih best gak r...
