

27th Dec (Sat) - It was the happiest day for one of my 'brother' - Rizani a.k.a Jar, because the date is his wedding day. His face projected 1001 happiness and grateful by becoming a husband to someone, a brother and son to new family and a father-to-be to his son/daughter-to-be (we all pray for you!). The ceremony was well organized in Melaka and we enjoyed the food as much. I've nothing much to say here but I'd like to express my heartiest congratulation to Jar and his wife (alamak! aku tak ingat la nama wife ko Jar... jangan marah ek) and wish both of you to live together happily ever after. Instill a good islamic value in your lovely family and be a good parent...

(Jar and his wife.... a loving couple!)

I also would like to extend thousands apologies to both of you due to my absence in the "orientation procedure" done in Apeez house on the 29th Dec 2008. I've heard the elders satisfied with the process.... heheheheh..... banyak le korang nyer orentasi! But the most important thing is please do keep in touch and don't hesitate to call us so you need any advise or help. I put in one of the pictures first and will add in those when received from Atok. Once again... SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU!

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