

29 Dec (Mon) - It is already past a year from the last one. If we were manage to recite the Hijri year end's doa after Asar prayer and early year's doa after Maghrib's prayer, Alhamdulillah. That will be a very good start for a Muslim to face the unknown prospect of new Hijrah year. I didn't remember who said this (either Saidina Ali r.a. or any of Muslim scholars) but the saying is like this...

"make sure what you have today is
better from yesterday, and what you'll be having tomorrow is better from

Saidina Umar r.a. was deciding to set a calendar for Muslims by selecting the date of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.'s hijrah (migration) from Mecca al-Mukarramah to Medina al-Munawwarah instead of other dates. He might choose the date of Prophet's birthday, or date of the first revealation to Muhammad or date of Saidina Umar's himself embracing the faith of Islam perhaps. But he choosed the day of Prophet's Muhammad's hijrah to Medina as a starting date in Islamic calender because hijrah should be always a tranformation to goodness.

Therefore, by virtue of this wisdom let us begin our year with an aim to become a better person for our family, our community AND the most is for our ownself. To all my brothers and sisters in Islam, i like to wish all of you the very best in this Maal Hijrah....

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