
Bersatu Kita Teguh...

Is it so? The big question mark suddenly poped-up in my mind after reading this article (click here to read more). The grundge-sort-of situation between these 2 government's wings is not a new news to talk about. For me personally, it is near to useless to dig the history of it nor to hook a blame on whom. The most important move-forward approach is to look at whether there are ways of resolutions to solve this "silent confrontation" which I believe in to be achieved soon or later. If we bring in an element of muhasabah in valuating this scenario, what can we see is that, at the end of the day, both parties are composed of human being whose need a condusive place of work to spent half of his/her life in it. Another point to be taken out is the sense of acknowledgment of others's jobs and responsibility. Either as PTDs or DGs, we must use of our most valuable asset bestowed to us by the Almighty i.e. the brain and heart, in making decisions or suggestions. Always put in ourselves into our "friend"'s shoe so that we will bring the best not only for us but for them. To start with, in my humble opinion, I suggest that both Society representing both schemes to sit together and find the best possible resolution. If the 'grundge' is a long-back-history of our seniors, let is stay with the past and together we look forward to achieve the national's agenda.

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