
SPRM.... Chaiyok! Chaiyok!

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM)'s Enforcement Director announced to stop all investigation from being executed to all politicians (and may be all related-person-to-those-politicians) yesterday. In today's prime-time news, a poll was conducted to get public's response to this issue.

In my humble opinion, the decision made by the Director was a little bit harsh and with a feel of anger. However, I look it from another face of the coin. For me, this incidents shows the efficiency and upraised of SPRM's credibility in battling corruption in Malaysia, regardless of race, status and background. For me, if you are doing something good in nature and firm to it, for sure there will be no red carpet to be rolled in front of you but a torn and thousands of tribulation in your due course. It's true that say is much more easier than done, but with istiqamah (consistency), Allah will be always with you. So, what will SPRM going to do next? I dunno.... but I hope that the SPRM will continue with their decision to fight corruption without any favour or fear.
p/s: Why be afraid if you do nothing wrong? Why delay when you can finish it there and then? Only a wrong-doer knows who did a wrong thing....

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