

It's August already huh? The time flies so fast and we just unaware of it. Even my last posting was in June... pergh.... really-really-really busy I think. So, I just grab this opportunity of Malam Minggu tu cool up my mind: out of working mind; out of bz mind.... just peace and relax.

Wow! Sooooo many things are going to happen (by Allah's will) this month. The arrival of Ramadhan al-Mubarak, my Mesra Rakyat Program in Pekan, my birthday of course and i also expecting my 2nd child to be delivered this month. How busy I am, I always believe that Allah will be the arranging the best for his slave as long as the business are in His name....
To all my friends, wish you happy Ramadhan, will this fasting month be the new good leaf in our life. Amin!

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