
Sweet February

The time flies so fast. It's already mid February which means it has been appoximately a month ago since last time I was updating this blog. Beside laziness, I think there were soooo many obstacles and tasks to finish, so that the updating blog part become the last in the list (and I don't ever think about it when it comes really busy... pity me!). Alhamdulillah, the opportunity comes for me to get some precious time to update the blog today.

Some time-management experts quote that when you think you are too busy, just jot them down to see whether you are really one... So, i think I'd like to try it here.... what kind of bzness has come to me for the last one month!

1. Re-structuring the office working flow

Restructuring may not be the problem of it, but to provide sufficient burning platform to the staff and to do ample supervision are. Every change made will bring with it an element of resistance and madiocrity. So, extra effort have to put into the system in order to make sure the restructuring will bring the best result for the organization.

2. Establihing new connection

No doubt that my recent job deals with people's wrath and anger. Not enough with that, other agencies' feeling must be also taken into consideration. Therefore, it request for extra mile step to be taken to really establish contact with some of the agencies' leaders so that future hastle will be easily taken care of, perhaps!

3. Restructuring personal and family's financial and insurance coverage

Another half of me is of course a husband and father of two! Thus, some internal financial measures have to be considered so that the cash flow will be always in liquidity. The first month of the year is a good time to really sit down and think about this...

4. Asyfa's cukur jambul ceremony

Asyfa is already 5 months old last January and is her 6 this month. So the ceremony was held in January in a very simple occasion.

5. Settling Afif up at his taska

Afif is going to be 5 years old next year. Thus, I sent him to a taska so that he may sociallize with some friend at kindergarten beside learn something informally, with a hope to prepare himself before entering his pre-school.

6. Searching for dwelling house

Mmmm..... this is also among the hardest part to do for the last one month. Just to cut it short, I think of postponing the idea for a moment and will put it back in action when the times really come.
7. Balik Kampung

This acitivity actually some of the relief thing to do, but still consume some times.

Maybe the list will be longer if I really think in deep what has happened for the last one month. But, by sharing these 6 items I think is sufficient enough to project why the time is really not by my side to update the blog. To my friends, if you have any suggestion for me how should I manage the time sufficiently, kindly do so....... appreciated it very much!

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