

16 June (Monday) - I was just undergoing a 2-day-course in one of Hotel in KL. That was the last course to be conducted in hotel maybe for the next 7 years. The facilities and food were "man-man" la but I doesn't intended to describe anything about the hotel in this writing. But, the best part was when I was able to get the KL phanoramic scene at night especially the lightly KLCC direct from my room's windows.

(Nice scenery of KLCC from my room at night)

The second day I was there, I received a sort of heart-pounding news - Afif's left eye was swelling. But my wife said nothing to be worried as Afif was acting like usual except his eyes was watery and reddish. This is the 1st time he got that kind of illness. The day I got home, I brought him to the clinic and the doctor said it was ordinary eye-sick (betul ke B.I. aku nih? Lain macam jer bunyi nyer...). This morning, once again I bring him to see the Doctor (to consult about the red eye and fever...) and the Doctor gave me a heart-relief result. The best moment this morning was when a nurse wanted to take Afif's blood. It was a proud moment of him when he was calmly letting his blood to be taken by the nurse - from his demenae shows like he felt no pain. But the nurse unable to get the blood in one shot so she had to make several attempt of injection. Only at the 3rd attempt, Afif's face was a little bit sorrow - look like he wanted to cry which he didn't. I wonder how far could Afif able to take the injection?

(Cian Afif.... sakit mata ye?.....)
Enough lah with Afif's story... Thanks to you guys for 'listening' the story of mine!
Let us think about something else rather. 2-3 weeks ago, it was like a phenomenon when everybody were talking about blogging. Either pro or cont gonvernment launched various of blog/web whether to attack or to attract the net-surfers. Lately, the Government herself seems to acknowledge that the internet and blogs was an alternative platform of information which couldn't be neglected anymore beside the main stream of media. The Government starts to realise that the public are more open nowadays in accepting news rather than to be spoon-fed. Some initiatives taken by the Government involving usage of blogsite also shows that they acknowledge the power of the Starbuck Generation (as claimed by Johan Jaafar) as de-facto elements of the Government survival in the next general election.
From my personal point of view, these efforts of Government to engaged in the "net-war" is a briliant step BUT it must be bear in mind that this is not merely a blog setting-up matter... this is actually a battle field - a war of conquring mind and heart of people - a psywar. Therefore lots of things must be lined-up vividly. Target group/s, contents, mechanism, desirous and unintended effects, and contigency plans must be thought of by the operator before a blogsite is uploaded in the net. Fail to do so may result uneffective campaign or rather a dull-meaningless blogsite. This is merely my humble personal view... like a Malay proverb... seperti melukut di tepi gantang... ada tak menambah, hilang tak mengurang..... Pergh! Serius tuh... Ada saper tak yang boleh tolong translate ni ke english?


  1. since ko dah tanya kan....
    sepatutnye sore eye/s la lan....
    dont worry, kalo tak buat silap camne nak blajo ye tak....

    ni pasal blog nih....
    aku harap depa tak announce la nama blog tu....
    kalo announce memang org takkan percaya punye la....
    depa baca tapi takkan percaya....
    basic psywar la kan....
