

10 July (Thu) - Alhamdulillah... at last I am able and fit enough to get back to office after took MC for 3 weeks due to sore-eye which I got from my son (tu yang Azrul rindu giler kat aku tuh... heheheheh). My case was referred to Putrajaya Hospital after no sign of recovery after took medicine prescribe by the clinic for about a fortnight. The specialist said that I got prolonged conjuctivitis and my left eye got small scratch on it. Besides, my visibility was getting worse. Then, the Doctor gave me new prescription of medicine to be tried for a week. Yesterday I went to the hostpital for follow up and the specialist said I was fully recovered and the scratch was getting better. The doctor said that eye-sore is not spread via sight but merely via watery i.e. either eye-watery or breathing. Thus, we can prevent spread and infection of eye-sore by make sure of our hygene is at the tip-top level. Do not share towels or tooth-brush (nauzubillah!) and wash your hand if you touch your watery eyes.

(Just look at the 'beautiful-red' eyes I got for last 3 weeks)

In the office, lot of works to be catched up and some fine-tunment must be done after a long break. At least I'm able to take some rest and I regard it as my "unofficial leave" bestowed by Allah. It is quite refreshing to get back to office after long holiday. Welcome back to myself!
One more thing - this morning I am able to surf the net and look at some of my friends' blogs and one of my friend BAHAU also already come with his own blog named 'Tinta Budak Bahau'. So, feel free to have a look at his site k! To Bahau... welcome to the club and don't forget to update your blog always (macam Azrul pesan kat aku gak...)
I do not have much point to write about in this posting. Just to let all of you know about my 3 weeks missing and to inform that I'm back on my feet now. Love your eyes and appreciate them more than you appreciate the jewels....
p/s: To Azrul..... aku dah update dah nih! Bila nak PTK nih wei?


  1. sapa la yg ko skodeng ni lan....anyway, aku tatau la bila nak amik ptk....bg aku lagi cepat lagi bagus....kita amik bulan 10 jom

  2. siot jer.... mana ada aku skodeng wei.... Lihatlah mukaku ini yang penuh dengan cahaya keimanan. BTW, nak kena register semula ke kalu nak amik PTK bulan 10 nih?

  3. erkkkk...

    abang2ku, si adik kichik ni pun nak ikut gi ptk gakkk..

    kena re-apply ke kalau dah apply untuk bulan july tapi diorang tak panggil?

  4. Hai Muzie.... long time no see aa! Sihat ke ek? Pasal PTK tu kata Emmizah ngan Rash tak payah register semula, cukup kalu dah register sekali. Kalu blom register kenalah register dulu. Apa pun kalu ada mana2 kengkawan yang ada panduan lebih jelas bleylah kongsi2 skali ek...
