

16 July (Wed) - Panas... panas... di mana ajer aku duduk hari ni mesti terdengar di hujung-hujung telinga orang bercerita pasal debat antara Y.B. Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Shabery Chik dengan de-facto advisor PKR cum ex-DPM, Y.Bhg. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Lots of kopitiam's comments and views can be heard of. 5-6 friends of mine pun ada gak bagi sms menyatakan pendapat mereka. Macam-macam pandangan - "DSAI manipulasi fakta", "DSC serang peribadi", "DSC tak pandai ekonomi", "DSAI cakap kosong", etc...
However it was, in my humble opinion the debate was a very good start, not only to politician (of course to them!) but mostly meaningful to the public. Today's paper pun ada tulis komen daripada beberapa figures baik BN or PR yang menyatakan ini adalah tanda kepada "kesuburan demokarasi" negara kita yang semakin baik. I do not know how far it is true, but the public is given opportunity to get hear by themselve (no more hearsay evidence... ahaks!) from both point of view regarding single issue. Cuma cara soalan digarap dan arah jawapan diberikan aku nengok masih lagi pre-mature sifatnya (maybe this is the first time we have such kind of debate in our country), tapi I do believe that the maturity of the content of the questions and answers will develop positively as long as the ala-US-presidential-campaign-way of debate is to be given opportunity as a platform for the politician to utter their views in an issue.
Aku pun setuju, cara ini lebih sesuai berbanding "politik demonstrasi" or "politik jalanan" yang bukan saja menyusahkan polis tapi gak menyusahkan aku nak lalu jalan tu sebab jalan tu dah kena block dgn polis. PR membawa gagasan "biarlah rakyat menjadi hakim" tapi BN katakan "janganlah rakyat menghakimi dengan emosi". As for me, it is true that in this mellinium, knowledge is power, and to be a great judge you must not only have the knowledge but to understand the knowledge.

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