

10 Julai (Khamis) - Lepas kepala aku dah rasa berat menyediakan satu deraf paper kabinet dari pagi sampai petang, aku pun letaklah tepi deraf aku tuh dan mula selak-selak Majalah Jurnal Pemikir Bil.53 yang baru aku terima semalam. The generic title for this issue is very interesting to me - "UMNO : Selepas Pilihanraya ke-12". Evenmore, the first article in the journal is very eye-catching to me - Politik Emosi, Persepsi, Penafian dan Pujukan wrote by Dr. Sapora Sipon, Pensyarah Kanan kat USIM. Aku pun kerap gak baca tulisan dia dalam Utusan Malaysia... selalunya dalam kolum pendapat@utusan. Tak tahulah sama ada Dr. ni ada kaitan dengan mantan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Datuk Ahamad Sipon ke idak...

(Ni la bahan bacaan aku skarang nih...)

Actually, I don't intend to re-utter apa yang Dr. tu tulis. In my opinion it is better for u guys/gals to get your personal copy of the jurnal since the book is really beneficial (I think la!). But what I gonna share here is that she tried to elaborate, in the psychological point of view, what are among factors contributed to the loss of BN in the 12th General Election (PRU 12). She stated that the Government was over-looking at few crucial psychological elements in the people's heart and mind such as perception, denial, prejudice and emotion. In her article also did mention that the Government miss looked at the emergence of blog and internet as alternative media to the main stream nations.
I once mentioned about these in my previos posting and I do feel satisfy when somebody else, from another discipline of knowledge and who are more knowledgeble than me is actually singing the same song but only in different languages. However, in her article she did suggest some ideas but didn't elaborate in how it should be done. Overall, the aricle is good.

Besides, there are also some articles in the journal which I think quite interesting such as "Dilema: Kegawatan Yang Mengancam Survival UMNO", "Kesamaan dan Kelainan PRU 1969 dan 2008" and " Perpecahan Selepas Pilihanraya 2008". I try to read all of these articles first and maybe I'll share something in this blog if time does permit.


1 comment:

  1. udah-udah la PRU tu....aku rasa gomen patut fokus on depression plak. kalo betul la lepas beijing 2008 nih depression, gomen kena prepare rakyat dari sekarang
