
Happy Birthday Afif!

4 Okt (Sabtu) - Sedar tak sedar rupa-rupanya Afif dah masuk 2 tahun dah nih. So mengambil kesempatan kitorang tengah beraya kat Johor, we all celebrate le (kecik-kecik jer...) untuk Afif. Tapi we only able to celebrate the memorable event on the 5th since my family and I pergi beraya kat Melaka on the 4th sekali ngan went to teacher Jar's engagement ceremony.
Tak sangka plak Afif jadi "malu-malu kucing" plak waktu kitaorang nyanyi lagi Happy Birthday kat dia. Apa pun Baba and Mama wish you the happiest 2nd year birthday to you. Wish you'll growing up as a Soleh son of us and will benefit the entire universe.... amin!

(ni ler birthday cake Afif yang pertama... masa cukup setahun dulu tak buat sebab Afif tak pandai makan kek lagi!)

(upacara memotong kek yang disempurnakan Afif and mama beliau... hehehe!)

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