
SIBUK AH part.2!

What a very busy week! I feel like my brain in stagnant already so take the opportunity to update the blog. Alas I still have a career rather than none... alhamdulillah! Last week I joined a course held by Public Complaint Bureau in Corus PD. A very informative and a very good refreshing memory course on land management since I am not in track of the subject for quite a long time. Futhermore, i am going to sit for my PTK this comming week... So, I really need to buck-up my work double or triple as the seminar in-charged to me will be held mid-November. Preparation for the seminar, coordination for website and preparation for few events are all being put together in this only week for me to settle them all. I dare not to sacrifice my PTK just to satisfy my stakeholders... but I will put all my best to finish all those.
Besides, these past 2-3 weekends were full with invitation from my friend and officemates to come to their Hari Raya open house. The positive side of it is no need to cook la these 2-3 weekends but the negative of it was I feel a little bit restless. But.... thanks to all my friends for inviting me... please do invite me next year k.... ahahahah!
So, just wish I able to finish all my works efficiently so that nobody will 'bising' la when I gone to my PTK next week.... wish me luck!

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