

13 March (Friday) - It has been more than a month period since the last article posted in this blog - due to the hectic and fatigue to make sure everything in order and to make sure my family and I feel really settled down. Atok pun dah sound bila aku nak update my blog nih. Alhamdulillah... finally, I managed to re-start my posting. Just to inform that now I am living and working in Kuantan and being a "Kuantanese", lots of adjustment has to been made especially on the way of living... (perasan cam lama jadi orang kee ell la plak ;-)). I remembered to one of the oldies saying that

"we won't feel losing someting until we
loss them"

- and I think it is true. Only after being in Kuantan I do realize that I never grab any opportunity to store the memories of Putrajaya in any of my photo collection and I asked myself why? Isk... isk.. isk... too sad uh! So guys and gals... remember to keep your memory recorded becoz we won't know whether we will get the second chance to have the same. After approximately a month, everything seems to being get used. For all friends.... forget me not and keep in touch ya!

* the new lair of mine - palace of zen and wisdom ... chewah!

Pemandangan dari opis ... the mignificent Kuantan River

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