

Another valueless missing in our "art" industry. After Allahyarhamah Yasmin, Ustaz Asri of Rabbani was following her path to see Allah s.w.t. on the 13th of August 2009 during the recording of syahadah siries at RTM. And as far as I'm concern, he was the 2nd well-known Malaysian Nasyidian who passed away after Allahyarham Amran of Raihan. In fact, the first time I heard his name is via his ex-group "The Zikr" and his superb beautiful voice was firstly introduced to sing a song entitled "Munajatku". Wonder who will becoming his apprentice i.e. with beautiful voice and ethics. Hope that his mujahadah in brought up the nasyid status in Malaysian listeners' ears and heart will always be succeeded by all nasyidians.... May Allah bestows his roh with blessing......
p/s: "Pergi Tak Kembali" will always be remembered in this heart.....

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