
Congrats Comrade!

My heartiest congratulation to Bad & Hani, Atok & Kak Ina as well as to Jar & his wife (sorry Jar... tak ingat plak nama wife ko) for the heart blooming news of your newly baby-to-come! To Apeez... what the story? Heheheheh...... cukup dulu kot? I also getting excited and little bit worry since the day is getting nearer.... So it's true that every pregnancy render different feeling for both mother and father even though both of you had experienced it once or twice or more before....

To Jar.... how are you bro? What news? It has been sooooo long since last time we met. Just let us know your condition there.... Wish you all the best and hope you are already get used in your life there....
p/s: Still waiting for Bad's plan to organize family gathering at Bukit Merah..... bila ni Bad wei....?

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