
Spice Up Your Life!

At last, all programs scheduled to be accomplished in 2009 have been achieved. Alhamdulillah. Without notice, it's already a year since I been in this new department of the Government. Leaving away the arena of early childhood education and care (even most of it were dedicated to develop a policy and premises per se...) and put myself into the room of handling public complaints. Sincerely speaking, I think I more suit here... to hear and try to help people as far as I could. Just few days ahead is the year 2010. Suddenly I realised that so many things I have left behind.... unattended - even it is for my better future (may be)... Further study @ master level, concrete saving, specializing minds and expertise.... haiyo! So many things indeed.... Suddenly I also recalled to my ex-boss statement that "you are working too hard for others until you forget about yourself"... is it true? Mmm.... maybe partly right and partly wrong - but which part is right vice versa.
To all my friends who are now anywhere in this part of the world pursuing their Master or maybe Doctrate, I wish all of you best of luck. May your gained knowledge will be very useful to help strengthen the nation. Maybe a note for myself - it is a hightime to re-strategized you life planning so that you will be always in win-win situation with other interests in your life....

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